Online WLAC postcards shop

We were delighted to host a group of Imperial College student RAG week volunteers who uploaded 500 postcards from our Postcards Anon project to an online pop-up shop last Friday.

They went above and beyond! And apparently they really enjoyed helping out. Thank you!!

In fact, the organiser kindly told us that they would be making a note on their handover sheet to next years committee that ‘WLAC were amazing and definitely a charity we’d like to work with again next year’. We really hope to be able to work with them again.

Please click here to visit the shop and buy original art postcards created by supporters of WLAC. All profits go directly to helping us fund our work with local families in need.

  • Buy from 500 original mini masterpieces all donated by artists

  • The artist's identity is anonymous at the point of sale

  • All artworks are £25 (plus postage and packing UK only)*


Bridge Tournament raises over £2,000 for WLAC


Living Advent Calendar