Bridge Tournament raises over £2,000 for WLAC

Hopes of a “round the table” event on Brook Green were abandoned at Christmas time, so a repeat of last year’s knock-out competition online was held in February.  32 pairs entered.  Those knocked out in the first round were guaranteed another game by entering in the Plate. 

 The winners of the main competition were Edward Davies and David Richards.  The runners up were Rosie Elphinstone (who stood in for a Covid stricken Sue Connolly) and David Carlisle.  The outcome was in suspense until the last deal!

 The winners of the Plate were Horatio Cary and Alex Laing who beat last year’s winners Toby Dean and Cynthia James.

 A few of the games were played face to face which was a welcome return to post pandemic normality but the BBO format allowed entrants to participate from far flung locations. 

We are delighted to announce that the event raised £2000 for WLAC. Thank you to everyone who took part, and to Vicky and Edmund Sixsmith for organising the tournament!


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