WLAC has been supporting children
“Liberals win landslide victory in UK general election after which, followed welfare reforms and the emergence of the welfare state. ”
“The Children’s Act (otherwise known as the Children’s Charter)”
“Start of the First World war ”
“In response to an appeal by the London County Council, a group of religious and social workers met to see what steps could be taken to deal practically with the problems affecting young children. As a result this group appointed the first Children’s Worker, as they were to be known, to work in Lambeth, Battersea, Clapham and Wandsworth. ”
“A second Children’s Worker was appointed for Camberwell, Greenwich, Woolwich and Lewisham, and the West London Diocesan Children’s Committee was set up for Chelsea, Kensington, Fulham and Hammersmith. In the years following, more committees were formed and Children’s Workers appointed in other parts of the country.
End of the First World war ”
“The Federation of Committees for the Moral Welfare of Children was formed to co-ordinate and consolidate the efforts of all affiliated committees, to secure co-operation with bodies engaged in similar work, to promote discussion and educate public opinion and to raise funds to supplement the work. ”
“The Federation was directly responsible for the founding of the Children’s Medical Home at Waddon in Surrey, the first of its kind in England that allowed children to receive medical treatment and regular education. ”
“The West London Diocesan Children’s Committee became known as the West London Children’s Rescue Committee, and in 1930 it was renamed the West London Committee for the Protection of Children, to reflect the scope of the work. ”
“Start of The Second World War ”
“The Beveridge Report ”
“End of the Second World War ”
“Formation of the National Health Service ”
“Over the years, a number of the Committees outside London disbanded when children’s work became incorporated with adult welfare work. However, as late as 1969 most Inner London Boroughs were still represented by Committees, either completely voluntary or under the auspices of the statutory education authority. ”
“The Children Act is introduced. Previous to the Act, children were often removed from their families and placed in Homes or Industrial Schools, or boarded out with foster families in the country. The Children’s Act put more emphasis on keeping children with their families where possible, and reinforced the importance of partnership with parents. ”
“Today the West London Committee is known as West London Action for Children, but despite the enormous material improvements in our society and increase in the general standard of living, children still find themselves in similar personal crisis and distress to their predecessors. We still see cases of abuse; unsuitable housing; poverty; behavioural difficulties at home and in school. The need for organisations such as West London Action for Children is therefore still as great as ever. ”