In the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham (LBHF)


The Urban Partnership Group (UPG)


The UPG’s mission is to improve the health, wealth, and well-being of residents of the Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham. Made up of;

Edward Woods Community Centre (LBHF)


Services are provided by UPG and other partner organisations, these include Children’s Centre activities, ‘Change Grow Live’ substance misuse support service, a weekly food distribution service, Edward Woods Community Champions project, adult education classes, a variety of wellbeing and exercise sessions for adults, children’s sports and martial arts sessions.

Also provides community spaces for hire and offices to rent to local organisations to run activities for the local community.


The Masbro Centre (LBHF) - only accept referrals from LBHF residents


Offers a wide range of services for families and individuals living in Hammersmith and Fulham. Activities include Children’s Centres and family outreach provision for families who have a child under 5 years of age, borough-wide parenting programmes, sports and leisure facilities, Disclosure and Barring Service, volunteering, adult education classes, employment support service, crèche facilities, art and pottery workshops and Push N Pull fitness studio.

The centre also provides community spaces for hire, to run activities for the local community or to host events. Masbro Centre is situated between Hammersmith and Shepherds Bush.


Hammersmith and Fulham Talking Therapies (LBHF)


Hammersmith and Fulham Talking Therapies (formerly Back on Track) provides psychological therapies for people over 18 who have a GP or live in the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham. We help you with common problems like stress, anxiety, and depression. This service is provided free of charge by the NHS.


Parents Active (LBHF)


Parentsactive provide a support network, regular training sessions and work with the local authority to help shape services for disabled children and young people to ensure that their needs are met. They do this by getting the views of local families and working in partnership with education settings, health providers and other relevant bodies within the local authority; this allows them to highlight when things are working well or challenge when improvements need to be made.


West London Counselling (LBHF, for 18 year olds and over)


West London Centre for Counselling (WLCC) is a charity providing a free, confidential counselling service for people 18 years and older who live in LB Hammersmith and Fulham or who are registered with a GP in the borough. They have been serving people in the borough for over 20 years. They work with the NHS’s Back on Track (IAPT) service and most of their referrals are made through them.


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