Breathing Space Mindfulness


“I listen to my children more carefully now so we have a better relationship which is important to me. I still have bad moments but I practice kindness.“


What is Breathing Space?

The Breathing Space course teaches a mindfulness practice tailored specifically to parents. It shows a way to paying attention to whatever is happening in our lives and experiencing it in a non-judgmental way.


What to expect

Our next eight week group (via Zoom) starts Monday 11th October. In this group we practice mindfulness exercises together. This will help us to choose how and what we want to pay attention to.

Learn more at an on-line taster session on Monday 4th October.



You will:

  • become more aware of your thoughts and feelings

  • get stress under control

  • respond and not react to difficulties in relationships


How to get a referral

Anyone caring for a child aged 18 or under, on low income & resident in either borough can be referred by a professional. Or self-refer by contacting WLAC at



Katherine Brown

I’m a Canadian living in the United Kingdom - London to be exact. I’m a business person with an eye for modern design. I’m a customer marketer who thinks like a customer. I’m a design thinker who also happens to be a designer.

I’ve worked at senior marketing levels in large corporations like American Express and Sky TV. I’ve worked agency side, leading digital client accounts. I’ve been part of several start-ups, sat on Angel Investing teams and run my own design and print studio.

In 2021, I started Ascender Creative to help small businesses with big plans build their online credibility and create better customer connections. I do this by taping into my 20+ years of business experience mixing it with a strong customer focus and a big dose of creativity.

Parent-Infant Psychotherapy


Dads Matter