Astrid Winkler

Family and Systemic Therapist

Astrid has an MA in Social Work (Tavistock/UEL) and an MSc in Social & Organisational Psychology (LSE). She has a background in policy research, looking at the impact of social and urban policies across the U.K. and Europe.  Following this she moved into work with Looked-After Children, and then in a CAMHS outreach service in East London, before joining WLAC in 2021.  She is Associate Director of the Family Therapy & Systemic Research Centre and co-founder of the SCORE-15 app which digitises the main relational outcome measure for Family Therapists.

Katherine Brown

I’m a Canadian living in the United Kingdom - London to be exact. I’m a business person with an eye for modern design. I’m a customer marketer who thinks like a customer. I’m a design thinker who also happens to be a designer.

I’ve worked at senior marketing levels in large corporations like American Express and Sky TV. I’ve worked agency side, leading digital client accounts. I’ve been part of several start-ups, sat on Angel Investing teams and run my own design and print studio.

In 2021, I started Ascender Creative to help small businesses with big plans build their online credibility and create better customer connections. I do this by taping into my 20+ years of business experience mixing it with a strong customer focus and a big dose of creativity.

Karen Bassett